Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 29th November
We have just completed the last week of fishing for 2015 on the Meadows lake Holme Fen Fishery. Conditions were not easy, with reasonably strong south westerly winds set in for the most of the week anglers found the... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 22nd November
Weather was the determining factor this week, high north and north westerly winds, heavy rain and plummeting temperatures put the fish right off. With very few sighting over the week Antony Dormer was lucky to spot a show just... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 16th November
Paul Fitzjohn from Sheltons of Peterborough hosted his local Nash account manager James on the Meadows Holme Fen Fishery at the beginning of the week. James had a great session banking 7 in a 24hr period from the Reeds,... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 9th November
Justin Greig had a session he is never likely to repeat. With the wind continuing to blow from the south / SW and temperatures holding up Justin decided to fish in the Reeds on the front of the wind.... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 2nd November
With air pressure down compared to the last few weeks and the promise of a new wind things looked good from the start. With the draw playing out as usual i.e. the open water swims going first; Colin Horsepool... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 26th October
Fishing has picked up a little this week with four fish seeing the bank. Interestingly all the fish this week have come from either island or marginal spots, so anybody coming on next week should take a close look... -
Holme Fen Fishery Weekly report 4th October
With air pressure at 1035 and cold evenings chilling the water it’s no surprise that fishing has been challenging. Weekday anglers had a hard time with very few fish showing and none seeing the bank, however the weekend guys... -
Weekly Report 20th September
We’ve all just returned from what can only be described as one of the best socials we’ve ever held, with this being Team PCFs first outing on Holme Fen Fishery. We had what we would consider a great turn... -
Holme Fen Fishery weekly report 8th and 13th September
Week ending the 8th Sept went well with 13 fish seeing the bank all but one over 30lb and four going over 40lb. Most fish came out of open water areas this week with the island being quiet. Michael... -
Holme Fen Fishery weekly report 29th August
Great conditions bring the fish on the feed at Holme Fen Meadows lake. Phil Harrison had a great session deciding to fish the Island double he found a number of clear spots at short range baiting PCF Squiderly Diderly...