Meadows wk starting 8th Sept
Meadows wk starting 8th SpetWe ended up with 19 bites, 17 landed and 2 lost, plus the 2 self breeds. However I ended up with 15 of those bites with 14 landed. Most of them are attached. The list is as followsTinny in Reeds had a 31lb Common and lost another in the weed.Shane and Liam fishing Island Bay double had a stunning 36lb mirrorDave in 4 strong winds had a 53lb mirror. Zack had a great week with 14 from the beach including 27m, 29m, 32m, 33m, 35c, 37m, 39m, 41m,42m, 44m, 45m, 46.5m, 48.5m, 53m