Meadows WK starting 2nd June

In July 27, 2024

Stuart Hancox Started in sunset and caught a 40lb 14oz. He then moved several times trying to locate the fish during the week but was unsuccessful.Lee Moore stuck it out in Island double for the week and was rewarded with a 44lb MirrorRichard Monger – had a 36 lb Common from 4 Strong winds but the fish soon moved out. He then moved into Party Point single and caught – 23lb, 34lb, 37lb, 44lb, 52lb PB.Richard Deeks stayed in Party Point double all week and was eventually rewarded with a 34 and a 37lb Mirrors.After blanking in Dug out for 3 nights, Mark found some fish in Pump hole and stalked a 48, 46, 45, 36. Also had a 20lb common.The fish moved away from this area but he noticed fish showing in Harrys. He caught a 46 and a 40lb 8oz within 2.5hrs of putting the rods out.The following evening he had a 55lb 10oz Mirror, a new uk PB and a 25lb mirror to finish off the week.19 fish in all, 10 fish over 40lb including 2 50’s.